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on 01/02/2025 at 17:42
Score : 10/10

Excellent site! A massive amount of information, well organised and easy to use. Thank you.

Q. Do you have any idea why the Olof Bjorner files are no longer available (UK)?

Webmaster's reply : Olof's files are now here:https://bobserve.com/
on 11/01/2025 at 21:42
Score : 10/10

Hi, Michael:

Ian Woodward told me about your site--don't know how I was so far unaware of it. I love the artwork on the front page!! Will dig in now
on 24/01/2024 at 19:23
Score : 10/10

Are you familiar with Zimmerman Blues (based in Boston, then St. Louis and ultimately Houston), which during 1975-1979 had the distinction of being the planet's sole Dylan fanzine?

Actually, I prefer to refer to it as a MAGAZINE, and by Issue #7, I had upgraded the cover tagline from "a Dylan magazine" to "the Dylan magazine", to reflect that uniqueness.

It was founded as a mere newsletter in February 1975, typed on a manual typewriter in my 15th Floor dormitory room at Boston University.

I'm guessing you've never seen a copy, correct? (I don't seem to find even a mention of it on your fine website.)


Webmaster's reply : Hi Bryan,

Of course the great Zimmerman Blues, TBZB and Changin' are present on the site!
I have emailed you: please reply by mail, not here. All the best
on 30/12/2023 at 21:06
Score : 10/10

Hi, Michel.
Just discovered this site. Great stuff. I'll keep visiting frequently. Thank you for your work on our Master!
on 28/12/2023 at 18:54
Score : 10/10

So glad to have found this site. I bought Dylan’s 1st album in 1962.
on 14/12/2023 at 16:51
Score : 10/10

Bonjour Mrs. Pomarenke / Dear Michel. Your name I had heard many times ago. But Your great "Come Writers And Critics" I just found in the minute. Really top!!! Thank you for this page! Will be really nice in next year to compare Your thousands of infos with mine (Papers are not my first- but... I am a collector of especially Dylan-vinyl: Bootlegs, singles, LPs from Africa to Zimbabwe.
Today I come to Your adress because in the last days an unusual Dutch single-sleeve was shown on www with the tilte "THE WORLD OF BOB DYLAN". Do you have some informations to this version? Perhaps You can give me a good scan of this item?
Best regards from Germany
Ralph Boehm
(r-gboehm@arcor.de, Uffestrasse 42, 37441 Bad Sachsa, Allemagne. If unsure about my person please ask Peter Oudejans)

Webmaster's reply : BEWARE: "The World Of Bob Dylan" is just a flyer, not at all a rare 7" picture!
See here: https://www.bobdylan-comewritersandcritics.com/pages/odds/flyers-and-promos/1969-dutch-flyer.htm
I emailed you about that.
on 07/11/2023 at 15:19
Score : 10/10

Bonjour Michel
Je me suis lancé depuis quelques semaines dans une une (re)visite (un peu) systématique de la dylanosphère. D'où forcément mon passage ici. Lors d'un précédent inventaire (tâche dont le ridicule ne m'échappe pas), j'avais noté "formidable site avec des liens fabuleux"...
on 04/11/2023 at 10:56
Score : 10/10

on 26/09/2023 at 12:51
Score : 10/10

I produced the three cards, in black and white, in 1991, not in the UK but in the good old USA, Chesterfield, MA to be precise.

Webmaster's reply : Thank you for the information, Jack.
on 26/08/2023 at 16:43
Score : 9/10

So much to see, so little time....
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