some dylan programmes


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dylan-programmes-NET NEVER ENDING TOUR

NEVER ENDING TOUR 1988 and 1989
(USA, Canada, Europe)

  The Never Ending Tour 1988: The first concert took place in Concord, California, 7 June 1988, the last one in New York City on 19 October 1988.
  On the first year of  what will later be called the 'Never Ending Tour', Bob Dylan performed 71 concerts. This is the least amount of performances on a Never Ending Tour yearly tour.
  The 1988 tour stayed within North America, performing 63 concerts in the United States and 8 in Canada. He performed in 29 states in the USA and 6 provinces in Canada.

  The Never Ending Tour 1989 started in Sweden with a performance at Christinehof's Slottspark on May 22. This was only the fourth time that Dylan had performed in Sweden. He then performed in Finland, his second performance there, before returning to Sweden. He then performed two concerts in Dublin, Ireland, the first time that he had performed there since 1965. Dylan then performed in Glasgow, Scotland his second only performance in the city, the first being in 1966. After performing concerts in Birmingham and London Dylan performed in the Netherlands, Belgium and France, Dylan performed three concerts in Spain, four in Italy, a single concert in Turkey and two concerts in Greece.
   After finishing the European tour Dylan returned to the United States performing at many of the same venues that he had performed in the year before, on the first year of the Never Ending Tour. Dylan continued to perform in the United States and Canada until November 15.

  The Tickets, handbills and posters of the tour can be seen on

  The same programme was used during the Never Ending Tour 1988 and 1989. The only difference between the two editions is that the list of personnel printed on the photo page 22 was removed in the 1989 programme.
  Both have copyright dates for 1988 but the one that displays the credits says PRINTED IN THE USA. Ian Woodward has suggested that the one without the credits was printed in Europe and they had to remove the reference to the USA. And, since they would presumably have had to change the names of the bus drivers as well, it was just easier to remove the credits in their entirety.

  Thank you to Peter Oudejans for the information and scans.

list of personnal programme 1988
1988 programme, page 22
list of personnal programme 1988
1989 programme, page 22

Below: 24-page programme. Put your pointer on the image to see the back cover:

Never Ending Tour 1998 usa and canada Bob Dylan programme


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