The ISIS inserts, UK

      Mostly in the 1990s, there was a time when subscribers to ISIS got a News update tucked in with some copies of the magazine. These inserts consisted of four A5 pages or a folded A4 sheet; they were fairly informal and intended to fill the gap between the printing of the magazine and its distribution.
     Sometimes the insert was an information on a special event, such as a fan meeting (a Bob Dylan Convention): these are listed here with these events.
     There was no specific title on these inserts: the first issues had each time a different one, then there were no title at all. Others, between a sale and information sheet, had the title 'MY BACK PAGES': there was a time when MY BACK PAGES carried out the distribution of ISIS magazine to subscribers and they used to put the insert in when sending the mag.
      Some inserts are titled 'THE WICKED MESSENGER': they do not have the classic numeration of Ian Woodward's chronicles, and are not part of them.
     The last issues were titled 'ISIS INSERT': that is really what these items were, and they are all gathered here under this name. (Thank you to Ian Woodward for the information and Jean-Pierre Mercier for the scans).

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 25
'The Smallest Matter', ISIS #25, July 1989 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 25
'Mystical Child', ISIS #26, September 1989 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 27
'Heading Out For …', ISIS #27, October 1989 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 28
'The Only Place Open', ISIS #28, December 1989 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 29
'Every String Is Broken', ISIS #29 insert, February 1990

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 30
'Made In Brazil & other tales!', ISIS #30, April 1990 insert (double-sided A5 sheet)
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 31
'Fargo On The Jump', ISIS #31, June 1990 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 32
'Is (Not Is - Is)', ISIS #32 August 1990 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 33
'Boo's News', ISIS #33 October 1990 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 34
'Not For Pansies', ISIS #34, December 1990 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 35
'The Snow Was Outrageous!', ISIS #35, February 1991 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 36
'I Wish I Was In London....!', ISIS #36, April 1991 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 37
'Isis/The Wicked Messenger News Update, 23 June 1991', ISIS #37 insert (double-sided A5 sheet)
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 38
My Back Pages, ISIS #38, August 1991 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 39
ISIS #39, October 1991 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 40
'Bob Dylan – The Song Talk Interview', ISIS #40, December 1991 insert (eight A5-size pages on two folded A4 sheets)
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 41
'The Wicked Messenger', ISIS #41, February-March 1992 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 42
ISIS #42, April-May 1992 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 40
'The Wicked Messenger', ISIS #43, June-July 1992 insert (eight A5-size pages on two folded A4 sheets)
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 44
ISIS #44 insert, August-September 1992

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 45
'Bob Dylan 1961-Thirty Years On' ISIS #45, April-May 1993 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 46
'The Wicked Messenger' ISIS #46, Dec 1992-January 1993 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 47
'The Wicked Messenger', ISIS #47, February-March 1993 insert (eight A5-size pages on two folded A4 sheets)
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 48
ISIS #48, April-May 1993 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 49
ISIS #49, June-July 1993 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 50
ISIS #50, August-September 1993 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 51
ISIS #51, October-November 1993 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 52
'The Wicked Messenger', ISIS #52, December 1993-Jan 1994 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 57
'My Back Pages', ISIS #53, February-March 1994 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 54
'My Back Pages', ISIS #54, April May 1994 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 55
ISIS #55, June-July 1994 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 56
'The Wicked Messenger', ISIS #56, August-September 1994 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 57
'The Wicked Messenger', ISIS #57, Oct -November 1994 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 58
'The Wicked Messenger', ISIS #58, Dec 1994-January 1995 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 59
'My Back Pages', ISIS #59, February-March 1995 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 60
ISIS #60, April-May 1995 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 61
'The Wicked Messenger', ISIS #61, June-July 1995 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 62
ISIS #62, August-September 1995 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 63
ISIS #63, October-November 1995 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 64
'The Wicked Messenger', ISIS #64, Dec 1995-January 1996 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 65
'The Wicked Messenger', ISIS #65, February -March 1996
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 67
ISIS #67, June-July 1996

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 68
'Mu Back Pages', ISIS #68, August-September 1996
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 69
'My Back Pages', ISIS #69, October-November 1996
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 70
'My Back Pages', ISIS #70, December 1996 insert
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 71
'The Isis Insert' ISIS #71, February 1997 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 72
'Isis Insert', ISIS #72, April 1997 insert

bob Dylan Isis insert issue 74
'Isis #074 Insert', ISIS #74, August 1997 insert (A4 single sheet)
bob Dylan Isis insert issue 121
ISIS #121, June-July 2005 insert (A4 single sheet)


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