Sorted by languages (38 so far) here are all the books and booklets, official and private publications worldwide, dedicated to Bob Dylan or having enough material inside about him to interest the
fan. The collector will find here all kind of information regarding Dylan books: title, date of publication, author's and publisher's names, ISBN and comments. Beside English language books and their translations, original publications from more than 50 countries show the importance of Bob Dylan in the cultural world -but not only.
If he is now a monument, celebrated and honoured everywhere, it has not always been so in the past: harsh criticism has been made of his voice, his artistic and political choices, etc... Throughout
the years, these books are the expression of these critics, admiration, and even adoration for Bob Dylan.
Whether they wrote a few stapled or hundreds of pages with hardcover, the authors of these books are, just like us, fascinated by their subject.
This website is dedicated to them, and of course to Bob Dylan and his music, the soundtrack of our lives.
The e-books and kindles are not presented here:
this is the 'Bob Dylan PAPER site'.