The editor was Steven Roke, the covers were original photos taken by Don Wilkie. Don worked in the graphics design area so he did the printing for the others to mail out.
The publication started in 1986 and went for 5 issues. It came out approximately bi-monthly.
ISIS New Zealand was published by the 'Dylan Appreciation Society'. The key members were Steven Roke, Don Wilkie and sometimes Paul Brittan. Steven was a photographer who wanted it to be a club (Auckland based) that met and sang Dylan songs. Don and Paul were more interested in trading to get more unreleased material. Due to these different points of view, the Dylan Appreciation Society folded, and there were only five issues of the fanzine released, #5 perhaps not being distributed.
Thank you to Les Kokay for the scans and information.
#1. Photo: Auckland 1986
#2. Photo: Auckland 1986
#3. Photo: Auckland 1978 (Auckland Star)
#4. Photo: Wellington 1986
#5. Photo: Auckland 1978. This issue was perhaps not distributed