Editor Neil Berry, produced in Redditch, England from 1996 – 1997; single sided photocopied, stappled binding.
   There were only 4 issues of this fanzine; its purpose was to present "a lighter outlook on all things Bob".
   The first issue, which ran to just eight pages, arrived in 1996 and was mailed out free of charge. After only the second issue, however, it was made available on subscription only, after which its days were numbered. Issue 4 was the last to appear. (Information )

jokerman #1 Bob Dylan fanzine
# 1
jokerman #1 Bob Dylan fanzine alternate colour
#1 alternate colour
jokerman #2 Bob Dylan fanzine
# 2
jokerman #3 Bob Dylan fanzine
# 3
jokerman #4 Bob Dylan fanzine
# 4
jokerman #4 Bob Dylan fanzine alter nate colour
#4 alternate colour and binding


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