some dylan programmes


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NEW YORK CITY, Carnegie Hall, 26 October 1963

Carnegie Hall, NYC                 Carnegie Hall, NYC
The famous New York venue, situated on the 5th Avenue; 3,671 seats divided in three auditoriums.

Bob Dylan performed in the Carnegie Hall on Saturday October 26 1963.

Bob Dylan 26 October 1963, Carnegie Hall handbill
NEWSDAY, 17 September 1963, 'Harold Leventhal presents':
advertisement for the Carnegie Hall,
Town Hall and Philharmonic Hall concerts.
Thank you to Ian Woodward for the information.

   There were various forms allowing the reservation; the price was $2.00 to $3.50, sent by check with a self addressed enveloppe for return of the tickets. The form below was sold for $750.00 in January 2003.

Bob Dylan Programme

   Below: Reservation postcards, -front/back- form for the Peter Paul and Mary or/and Bob Dylan concerts, with a coupon to send with your check:

Bob Dylan 26 October 1963, order enveloppe  Bob Dylan 26 October 1963, order form

Bob Dylan 26 October 1963, order enveloppe  Bob Dylan 26 October 1963, order form 

Programme front cover and inside pages:

Bob Dylan 26 October 1963, Carnegie Hall Programme 

Carnegie Hall 1963 dylan programme

Set list of the concert:

       The Times They are A-changin

       Ballad of Hollis Brown

       Who Killed Davy Moore

       Boots of Spanish Leather

       John Birch Society Blues

       Lay Down Your Weary Tune

       Blowin'in the Wind

       Percy's Song

       Seven Curses

       Walls of Red Wing

       North Country Blues

       A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall

       Talking WW III Blues

       Don't Think Twice, It's Alright

       With God On Our Side

       Only a Pawn in Their Game

       Masters of War

       The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll

       When the Ship Comes In


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