some dylan programmes


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dylan-programmes-NET NEVER ENDING TOUR

NEWARK, New Jersey, 1 February 1998
Prudential Hall

Newark Prudential Hall
The Newark Prudential Hall has a capacity of 2868 seats. It is located in the center of Newark, New Jersey.

Newark february 1998Bob Dylan programme 
Ticket for the concert.

     A special programme was printed for the Concert "An Evening with Bob Dylan": it details the "Chronology of Bob Dylan", from his birth in 1941 through all kinds of lifetime events, up until 1998 TIME OUT OF MIND Grammy Nomination. 8" 1/2 x 11" in size, 4 pages.
    Actually, this came tucked inside a copy of the January 1998 edition of the NJPAC "Performing Arts" booklet, which was mainly about the production of "West Side Story" going on there that month.
    Thank you to Ian Woodward for this precision.

Bob Dylan Programme

   Setlist of the concert: 

Absolutely Sweet Marie

Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You

Can't Wait

Born In Time


Cocaine Blues @

Masters Of War @

Tangled Up In Blue @

Million Miles

Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues

Highway 61 Revisited

'Til I Fell In Love With You

It Ain't Me, Babe @

Love Sick

Rainy Day Women #12 & 35


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