NARA, Japan, 20, 21 and 22 May 1994, Todaiji Temple The Great Music Experience
Todaiji ("Great Eastern Temple") is one of Japan's most famous and historically significant temples and a landmark of Nara. The temple was constructed in 752 as the head temple of all provincial Buddhist temples of Japan and grew so powerful that the capital was moved from Nara to Nagaoka in 784 in order to lower the temple's influence on government affairs.
THE GREAT MUSIC EXPERIENCE was a concert starring Japanese and international musicians staged at the eighth century Buddhist temple of Tōdai-ji, in Nara. The concert, held over three nights (May 20 - May 22 1994) and partly backed by UNESCO, took place in front of the world's largest wooden building, housing the largest Buddha statue in the world.
Bob Dylan performed three times, 20, 21 and 22 May. Each evening, he sang three songs with the New Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Michael Kamen orchestrating and conducting. It was the first time Bob Dylan performed with a classic orchestra (and so far the only one).
Three songs were played: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall, I Shall Be Released and Ring Them Bells (with Ry Cooder).