The assets of GOOD ROCKIN' TONIGHT (GRT), 'the world's premiere rare record auction house' were acquired in 2005 by Heritage Galleries & Auctioneers (HGA).
ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK-3, catalogue for the 11 July 1996 auction. There were 22 Dylan items for auction among which a Mono THE FREEWHEELIN' BOB DYLAN with deleted tracks, MB $ 5.000.
Thank you to Peter Oudejans for the scan and information

BO DIDLEY GOES SURFIN' catalogue for the 14-15 January 1998 auction. Again a Mono copy of THE FREEWHEELIN' BOB DYLAN with the four deleted tracks was auctioned.
Below: back and front, pages 35 and 36 of the catalogue, showing three Dylan items.
Thank you to Jürgen Wasser for the scans and information.

JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE, RINGO, & ROBERT! catalogue for the 22-23 April 1998 auction. Once again a Mono THE FREEWHEELIN' BOB DYLAN with deleted tracks was auctioned.
Below: back, front and pages 35 and 36 of the catalogue, showing three Dylan items.
Thank you to Jürgen Wasser for the scans and information.