BOB DYLAN EXHIBIT, Hibbing, March 2011

    In May of 1991 the Hibbing Public Library started the Bob Dylan Collection. A number of items have been purchases or donated by interested individuals over the years and are included in the displays. In the Spring of 2012, the Dylan display was redesigned and updated to include the more recent work by Bob Dylan.
    New items continue to be added to this collection as often as possible through both purchase and donations.

    Below are documents and a view of the Bob Dylan Exhibit in Hibbing:

bob dylan exhibit hibbing 2011 timeline
Booklet, Hibbing Public Library
Revised edition March 2011 (20 pages)

bob dylan exhibit hibbing 2011 flyer
leaflet, Hibbing Public Library
(9.3 x 21.6 cm), 2 pages

       The Dylan exhibit, Hibbing Public Library


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