bob dylan blonde on blonde EMI Music Publishing Ltd. UK songbook OFFICIAL ALBUMS
bob dylan freewheelin' Bob Dylan
bob dylan freewheelin' The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
the times they are a-changing The Times They Are A-Changin'
another side of bob dylan Another Side of Bob Dylan
bringing it all back home Bringing It All Back Home
highway 61 revisited Highway 61 Revisited
blonde on blonde Blonde on Blonde
john wesley harding John Wesley Harding
noshville skyline Nashville Skyline
self portrait Self Portrait
new morning New Morning
planet waves Planet Waves
pat garrett Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
before the flood Before the Flood
blood on the tracks Blood on the Tracks
the basement tapes The Basement Tapes
desire Desire
street legal Street Legal
slow train coming Slow Train Coming
saved Saved
shot of love Shot Of Love
infidels Infidels
empire burlesque Empire Burlesque
knocked outloaded Knocked Out Loaded
down in the groove Down In The Groove
oh mercy Oh Mercy
under the red sky Under The Red Sky
good as I been to you Good As I Been to You
30th Anniversary concert The 30th Anniversary Concert...
world gon wrong World Gone Wrong
mtv unplugged MTV Unplugged
time out of mind Time Out of Mind
love and theft "Love and Theft"
no direction home No Direction Home
modern times Modern Times
together through life Together Through Life
christmas in the heart Christmas In The Heart
the witmark demos The Witmark Demos: 1962-64
tempest Tempest
shadows in the night Shadows In The Night
fallen angels Fallen Angels

There are no songbooks for the albums released after 2016.



the times they are a-changing
 THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' is the third studio album by Bob Dylan, released on January 13, 1964 by Columbia Records. Whereas his previous albums BOB DYLAN and THE FREEWHEELIN' BOB DYLAN consisted of original material among cover songs, Dylan's third album was the first to feature only original compositions.
The album consists mostly of stark, sparsely arranged ballads concerning issues such as racism, poverty, and social change. The title track is one of Dylan's most famous; many feel that it captures the spirit of social and political upheaval that characterized the 1960s.

   The real songbook of THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' does not exist. The songs from the album can be found on many 60s compilation songbooks, but they are not gathered on a single one.

   There is a songbook titled THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGIN, (note: A CHANGIN, not A-CHANGIN'), but it is actually a compilation of songs from THE FREEWHEELIN' BOB DYLAN and THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' plus some other songs, unreleased at the time of publication.


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