flag uk * 69ers, by Jon Blake

     This is a novel: 'August 1969; Britain's first great rock festival is about to take place on the Isle of Wight. Anticipation is immense at the promised return to the stage of Bob Dylan. Scott Rayner, 16-year-old grammar school boy and would-be rock star, sets off to make the bootleg tape which will earn him his own place in history. When Scott falls for radical army child Jayne, however, he is overwhelmed by the challenge of her uncompromising communal lifestyle. And when his precious tape recorder is stolen, events quickly conspire to test him to the limit'.

69ers jon blake Bob Dylan book
Pre-publication cover, not used

69ers jon blake Bob Dylan book
Grosvenor House Publishing Limited,
Guildford 2011, 24 May 2012, (Bob Dylan's 70th birthday), paperback, 212 pages. ISBN 9781908105653
69ers jon blake Bob Dylan ebook
The eBook used the 'Dylan cover' with a new title: WHEN DYLAN SANK THE ISLE OF WIGHT

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