flag italy flag lombardy DYLAN BOOK IN LOMBARD

This book is from Italy, region of Lombardy.


    This booklet presents 18 Dylan songs translated into Lombard language (spoken in the North of Italy). It includes a CD featuring these songs, sung and played by the authors.

- EL MEJ DE BOB DYLAN IN LENGUA MADER ('The Best of Bob Dylan in Mother Tongue'), by Renato Ornaghi and Pietro Cociancich, Opificio Monzese delle Pietre Dure 2016, 16 pages. ISBN 9788896174043

Thank you to Andrea Brillo for this item.

Dylan Lombar Bob Dylan book

   The Lombard language is widely used in Lombardy, (North of Italy, main city Milano), in diglossia with Italian. Lombard is a language belonging to the Gallo-Italic group within the Romance languages characterized by a Celtic linguistic substratum and a Lombardic linguistic superstratum. It is a cluster of homogeneous varieties used by at least 3,500,000 native speakers in Lombardy and some areas of neighbouring regions, such as the eastern part of Piedmont and the southern Switzerland cantons of Ticino and Grisons. The language is also spoken in Santa Catarina in Brazil by Lombard immigrants from the Province of Bergamo, in Italy.

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