iran flag IRANIAN BOB DYLAN BOOKS - کتاب های ایرانی

     These books are in Farsi, they all come from Iran. Most of them are translations of Dylan lyrics into Farsi.

     Special thanks to Michael O'Shea for the translations and explanations on these books. He also brings this precision:
     With the exception of the one mentioning Ahmet Kaya, these books are all translations of Dylan's writing. The recent flowering of this phenomenon may perhaps be explained by the Nobel Prize; it is certainly true that in this Persian culture, poetry occupies not only a prestigious place, but also, the poets' works are frequently enjoyed read aloud, often with musical accompaniment. For example, there are many compact discs featuring the poetry of Rumi, and Omar Khayyam, where a 'reader' or 'singer' gives living voice to the words. 


باران سختي خواهد باريد: 100 ترانه‌ي برتر باب ديلن hard rain's a gonna-fall bob dylan book in Farsi باران سختي خواهد باريد, (A HARD RAIN'S A GONNA FALL), by Bob Dylan

bob dylan black crow bluesbook in Farsi 4 آواز غمناک کلاغ سياه (BLACK CROW BLUES), by Bob Dylan

blowing in the wind in farsi 2016 front cover دميدن در باد / BLOWING IN THE WIND, by Bob Dylan.

احمد عزتي‌پور باب ديلن bob dylan songs book in Farsi احمد عزتي‌پور باب ديلن (BOB DYLAN SONGS), by Bob Dylan

chronicles Donya-ye Eqtesad 2017 Dylan book in Farsi خاطرات باب ديلن: وقتي حالت بده کسي سراغت رو نمي‌گيره (CHRONICLES - Volume One), by Bob Dylan.

گر تو نبودي If not for you Dylan book in Farsi اگر تو نبودی IF NOT FOR YOU, by Bob Dylan, pictures by David Walker.

like a rolling stone the most impressive lyrics Dylan book in Farsi with obi LIKE A ROLLING STONE BOB DYLAN - THE MOST IMPRESSIVE LYRICS / همچون يک خانه به دوش , by Bob Dylan.

major voices for liberty book in Farsi در باره نويسنده : بي‌شک کمتر کسي است که احمد کايا (MAJOR VOICES FOR LIBERTY IN THE WORLD - FROM AHMET KAYA TO BOB DYLAN), by Bahram Rahmani.

سروده های باب دیلن songs of bob Dylan book in Farsi سروده های باب دیلن (SONGS OF BOB DYLAN), by Bob Dylan. (2 editions)

رضوان صدقي‌ - نژاد باب ديلن the lyrics of bob Dylan the 60s book in Farsi رضوان صدقي‌ - نژاد باب ديلن (THE LYRICS OF BOB DYLAN), by Bob Dylan, three volumes


   Farsi, or Persian, Indo-European language written in the Arabic script, is the language of Iran, with variants spoken in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and some neighbouring areas. It is written right to left in the Persian alphabet, a modified variant of the Arabic script.
  There are approximately 110 million Persian speakers worldwide. For centuries, Persian has also been a prestigious cultural language in other regions of Western Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia by the various empires based in the regions.

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