flag spain 7 X 7,by José F. Conde

   7x7 takes a tour through the different artistic stages and personal moments in Bob Dylan's life. (...) Through 49 +1 songs, the author of this book goes into that journey and comments on the musical part and the profound texts of the American artist, where the human condition, death, love and its reverse, heartbreak, loneliness , destiny or oblivion come to life. He makes it nourished by an exhaustive documentation, but also from his very personal listening experience.

- 49 + 1 CANCIONES PARA ENTENDER Y AMAR A DYLAN, (49 + 1 SONGS TO UNDERSTAND AND LOVE DYLAN) Lenoir Ediciones 2024, softcover, 371 pages. ISBN 978-8412532876.

Special thank you to Antonio Iriarte for this book.

decades of Dylan 37 studio album reviews book

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