sweden ALLT SKA BLI DITT, by Arne Sundelin

   In English EVERYTHING WILL BE YOURS. In Arne Sundelin's ingeniously constructed documentary novel, Robert Zimmermann's life is depicted from growing up in Hibbing and his teenage years in Minneapolis to the great breakthrough in the early sixties. The novel settles close to his elusive figure and follows his path from icon within the radical music movement to acclaimed rock star on the verge of losing himself.

allt ska bli ditt sundelin arne hardcover bob Dylan book in Swedish
Alfabeta Bokforlag 2012, Stockholm,
320 pages, hardback,
ISBN 978-91-501-1471-3
allt ska bli ditt sundelin arne softcover bob Dylan book in Swedish
Alfabeta Bokforlag 2014, 320 pages, paperback,
ISBN 978-91-501-1656-4


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