flag china flag taiwan 像一块滚石 / CHRONICLES - VOLUME ONE

CHRONICLES - VOLUME ONE, by Bob Dylan, translated into Chinese by by Xu Zhen Feng and Wu Hong Kai

Seven editions from China (People's Republic of China), one from Taiwan (Republic of China) flag taiwan.

chronicles Dylan book in Chinese
像一块滚石, Tiang Su People Publishing House, Nanjing 2006, People's Republic of China; 283 pages. The title means 'Like A Rolling Stone'.
ISBN 978-7-214-04198-7
chronicles taiwan Dylan book in Chinese
Taiwan flag taiwan 搖滾記, Locus Publishing Co 2006, Softcover, 343 pages.
ISBN 978-986-7059-54-3. Thanks to Jürgen Wasser for the scan and Peter Oudejans for the information
chronicles Tiang Su People Publishing House, Nanjing 2nd print, 2007 Dylan book in Chinese
像一块滚石 Tiang Su People Publishing House, Nanjing 2nd print, 2007, People's Republic of China; 283 pages.
ISBN 978-7-214-04198-2

chronicle 2017 Dylan book in Chinese
鲍勃·迪伦编年史, Henan University Press 2014, People's Republic of China, 294 pages, hardcover with dustjacket and Nobel 2016 obi. The title means Bob Dylan Chronicle.
ISBN  978-7-5649-1758-6

chronicle 2017 Dylan book in Chinese with obi
same, with obi

chronicle taiwan Dylan book in Chinese with obi
2016: the Taiwan flag taiwan edition received a Nobel obi

chronicle Dylan henan book in Chinese
Henan University Press 2017. ISBN 978-7-5649-2627-4

chronicle 2019 Dylan book in Chinese
鲍勃·迪伦编年史 / same, Changjiang Literature Press 2019, paperback with obi, 271 pages. ISBN 9787570209972
chronicle 2019 Dylan book in Chinese with obi
same, with obi


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