BOB DYLAN IN THE 2020s, by François Guillez
"On June 19, 2020, Bob Dylan's album ROUGH AND ROWDY WAYS was released, the first with songs newly written by the master in eight years! It was preceded by three songs on the Internet that caused a stir, especially the first, the seventeen-minute masterpiece Murder Most Foul. The critical reception was excellent, and the public welcomed this album.
But what motivated Bob Dylan to make one more album, he who had already made thirty-eight in his sixty-year career, not counting the multiple compilations?
This book explores some of the possible motives behind this new release and annotates line-by-line the potential meaning behind the lyrics. The author also writes about the Shadow Kingdom live streaming show and Bob Dylan’s latest book THE PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN SONG."
This is the upgraded and expanded English version of the French book BOB DYLAN 2020.
- ROUGH AND ROWDY WAYS, SHADOW KINGDOM, AND ALL THAT PHILOSOPHY, Tangible Press (10 January 2023), softcover, 192 pages. ISBN 978-1737581024