"Bob Dylan and the Idea that Every Human Being is a Art" is a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between art and human identity. From Bob Dylan's influential music and lyrics to the concept of social sculpture by Joseph Beuys, this book examines the evolution of the concept of art and challenges readers to rethink their perception of what constitutes art. Through a series of in-depth discussions and analyses, the book explores the potential for every human being to be seen as a work of art, and how this idea can revolutionize our understanding of creativity, self-expression, and the human experience."

   ARS MORIENDI - BOB DYLAN IS ART - AND ALWAYS WILL BE BUT EVERYONE WILL BE ART, by Jack Joblin and Udo Glanz, independently published (March 1, 2023), hardcover, 96 pages, ISBN 979-8385550760. Thank you to Knut Högvall for the information.

Bob is art book

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