In English: 'Bob Dylan - The Rolling Stones', by Mộc Nhân Lê Đức Thịnh.
The book presents translations of 50 Dylan's songs into Vietnamese. It will be followed by BOB DYLAN - NGÀY SAU BIẾT ĐẾN BAO GIỜ and BOB DYLAN - MAI SAU BIẾT ĐẾN BAO GIỜ, both published in 2018. Information on the content of these books would be very welcome.
'The translator's role is to ensure aesthetics in the translated language, so that the nightingale sound of that melody escapes from the atmosphere of survival. original but still remains the same original source. And the translator has done that satisfactorily, the translated lyrics are imbued with the spirit of poetry with rhythm and rhythm, sometimes even rhyme is used to convey the sentiment'.
NXB Hội Nhà văn, 2017. Thank you to Jürgen Wasser for the image and information.