flag spain * BUSCANDO A BOB, by Jordi Sierra i Fabra

   'SEARCHING FOR BOB'. This is a novel. Héctor escapes from his home in Vigo. His destination: Barcelona. But this trip has a double meaning. On the one hand, chasing a dream, watching the performance of his idol, Bob Dylan. On the other, the search for himself, to find out the reason for being alive, because Hector has discovered the secret of his existence, and as a result he has to wonder what he is and who he is.

Grupo Anaya 2005, Madrid, softcover, 203 pages. ISBN 978-8466745659.

This novel was also published in Catalan: BUSCANT IN BOB.

buscando a bob Jordi Sierra i Fabra, Grupo Anaya 2005 dylan book in Spanish

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