CHRONICLES - VOLUME ONE, by Bob Dylan, translated into Romanian by Dan-Silviu Boerescu.

cronica vietii mele bob Dylan book in Romanian 2007
CRONICA VIEȚII MELE, VOL. 1, Editura Alfa, Bucharest 2007, paperback, 184 pages. ISBN 9789737240561
cronica vietii mele bob Dylan book in Romanian 2015
CRONICA VIEȚII MELE, VOLUMUL ÎNTÂI, Editura Humanitas Fiction 2015, 281 pages, softcover. ISBN 978-973-689-947-8
cronica vietii mele bob Dylan book in Romanian 2016
same, 2016, with 'Premiul Nobel Pentru Literatură 2016' printed on the front cover. ISBN 978-973-689-947-8


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