'A MAN FROM THE DISTANCE', by Martin Bril. Things are a bit complicated, as three books by Martin Bril bear this title:
Thank you to Hans Bosch for his explanations.
1) Statenhofpers 2008, 41 pages, hardcover. EEN MAN UIT DE VERTE: bibliophile edition of 130 copies: 20 copies with Roman numerals and 110 copies with regular numerals. Signed by the author and Peter Pontiac.
"For this edition, six texts by Martin Bril about Bob Dylan were bundled. Five previously appeared in DE VOLKSKRANT, one was specially written for this edition.
The illustrations in the book were made by the Dutch illustrator and comic artist Peter Pontiac. The combination of a cowboy hat with the colors of the band and the structure of the paper evokes the atmosphere of the West. The images of Pontiac fit perfectly with the subject of this bundle and the texts of Bril. The combination with the classic typography makes this edition exceptional."
2) In 2009 a small booklet called BOB DYLAN EEN MAN UIT DE VERTE was included in a box-set of 10 CDs called 'The Bob Dylan 60s Collection', issued in collaboration/co-operation with DE VOLKSKRANT. It contained the same 6 'columns' that were collected in the earlier volume. No illustrations, just a few black & white photos. 16 pages only, including the cover.
3) In 2013, three years after Martin Bril's death, was published a collection of texts called MAN UIT DE VERTE (no EEN), subtitled: 'DE HELDEN VAN MARTIN BRIL' ('The Heroes of Martin Bril'). This is about much more than just Dylan. There's a chapter called again 'Een man uit de verte', which contains 5 of the 6 columns in the other books, and at the end an extra column called 'Gospel'. There is also a few other columns about Dylan, but this is not a 'Dylan book'.

1) Statenhofpers 2008, 41 pages, hardcover, 130 copies |

2) 2009 booklet, Sony/De Volkskrant
(CD size)

3) 2013, collection of texts by Martin Bril