In English NEXT YEAR IN NEW YORK - DYLAN BEFORE DYLAN. "Throughout the history of the Greenstein, Solemovitz and Zimmerman families (one of whose descendants will be Bob Dylan), Ukrainian pogroms who convinced them to emigrate to their installation in 1905 in the Mesabi Range, from the discovery of the great lakes of the north to that of the dusty Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl, from the stories of pioneers or hoboes to those of the Sammys of Minneapolis, we consider the vast literary, cinematographic and musical panorama of this plural America where, in uprooting as in oppression, unemployment or wandering, once merged all the voices of the world".

     This book is noticeable for having the longest sentences of any (Dylan) book, making it hard to read.

- DYLAN AVANT DYLAN, by Antoine Billot, Arléa Editions 2017, collection La Rencontre, 321 pages. ISBN 9782363081414

l annee prochaine a new york bob dylan book in french

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