flag italy LIKE A ROLLING STONE, by Ermanno Labianca

     "A forty-year journey through American songwriting. An encyclopedia dedicated to American and Canadian songwriters, arranged in eight chapters, more than 150 cards and 500 albums recommended, with an array of photographs, album covers, memorabilia. Stories and protagonists of an America between dream and reality, from the early '60s to the new millennium. If Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Bruce Springsteen are the legends that do not pass the baton yet, Beck, Ron Sexsmith and Ryan Adams are the continuity, the young blood of a tradition that wants to live and renew itself."

- 40 ANNI DI CANTAUTORI AMERICANI, DA BOB DYLAN ALLE NUOVE GENERAZIONI, Giunti Editore 2004, 240 pages. ISBN 978-8809037328

like a rolling stone 40 anni di cantautori americani da bob dylan alla nuove generazioni book in Italian

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