flag japan ディランを聴け!! / LISTEN TO DYLAN !!

By Yasuki Nakayama; this is a collection of the author's comments of every Dylan track (513 songs in the 200 edition, 582 in 2004). (Thank you to Masato Kato for the information).

ディランを聴け!! bob dylan in Japanese
Kodan-Sya 2000, 528 pages, paperback with paper wrap-around cover and obi
ディランを聴け!! bob dylan book in Japanese green obi
Green obi. The obi reads:
"An introduction to all 513 songs
bob dylan wo kike book in Japanese red obi
Red obi

listen to dylan yasuki nakayama 2004
Kodan-Sya 2004, softcover , 606 pages. ISBN 978-4-06-274850-9
listen to dylan yasuki nakayama 2004 with obi
The obi reads "An introduction to all 582 songs"

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