This is a PhD Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Université Polytechnique Hauts de France and INSA Hauts de France, English language and literature,  presented and defended by Jean-Charles Meunier on 30 November 2023 in Valenciennes, France.

   "The present work concentrates on song translation, more specifically on Bob Dylan’s works sung in French. The corpus under consideration includes 105 adaptations, from Richard Anthony’s Ecoute dans le vent, recorded in 1964, to Salvatore Adamo’s Je te veux, released in 2023.
   While some of the works are studied in detail, others are mentioned as passing references. The French adaptations shall be compared not only with the original works, but also with other translations of the same opus.
   The aim of the present study is not to assess which translations are “good” or “bad” but to evaluate the potential effect of translation choices on the target culture audience’s perception of Dylan’s works."

   By Jean-Charles Meunier. HAL Open Science 2023, 487 pages. The .pdf can be read and downloaded here.

Multimodal Refractions of Bob Dylan in French Covers PhD thesis Bob Dylan book

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