flag japan 超入門ボブ・ディラン, by Yasuki Nakayama

    "This book may be good for people who are just starting to listen to Bob Dylan, but it is unnecessary for people who are already fans of Bob Dylan. That's a compliment, and that's why this book is so thorough as an introductory book. Even if you're a Dylan fan, there are things that make sense to you about the author's unique perspective and way of listening. Particularly interesting is the 10-disc introduction to Dylan."

The title means 'BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO TO BOB DYLAN', Kobunsha 2017, paperback with wrap-around cover and obi, 268 pages. ISBN 978-4-334-78715-8

超入門ボブ・ディラン paperback bunko bob dylan book in Japanese

超入門ボブ・ディラン paperback bunko bob dylan book in Japanese with obi
With obi

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