flag uk BOB DYLAN - THE DAY I WAS THERE, by Neil Cossar

    Fans, friends and colleagues tell their stories of seeing, knowing and working with Bob Dylan from his hometown of Hibbing right through to finding Jesus - with first hand accounts of seeing him live from the smallest of venues to festivals and arenas. From early recording sessions through the 1966 tour; from the rural seclusion of Woodstock to turning gospel this book reveals a contemporary view of the younger Dylan.

This book was initially advertised and pre sold under the title I WAS THERE 1958-1969.

the day I was there pre publication Bob Dylan book
pre publication cover #1,
with the initial title
I WAS THERE 1958-1969

the day I was there Bob Dylan book pre publication
pre publication cover #2

the day I was there Bob Dylan book
This Day in Music Books 2018, 384 pages
ISBN 978-1911346418.

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