They were the artists who revolutionised popular music and took it to new levels of originality and influence. But they didn’t do it in a bubble. In fact, The Beatles, Beach Boys and Bob Dylan remade modern music by listening to each other, and using what they heard to drive and enhance their own creativity.
Using timelines derived from release dates, studio sessions and personal encounters, Luke Meddings reveals the paths of influence across an astonishing 4-year period between 1963 and 1967, in which these iconic artists cross-pollinated like crazy - via recordings, rivalry, rumours, artistic envy and quite a few drugs.
- HOW THE BEATLES, BEACH BOYS AND BOB DYLAN LISTENED TO EACH OTHER AND CHANGED MUSIC FOREVER, by Luke Meddings, Weatherglass Books 2021, paperback, 296 pages. ISBN 978-1838018146.