This magazine was created by Kenichi Yamakawa in July 1989. He is an author, rock critic and rock musician. His band's name was The Rudie and the magazine was named after that band.
RUDIE’S CLUB changed its name to NEW RUDIE’S CLUB 'Spiritual Magazine for Rock & Life' in December 1993. The parution ceased in June 2000.
Below: 1994, volume 2, A5, 101 pages on Bob Dylan! The cover reads, in bold letters, 'Origin of Rock Spirit'.
And left top, 'Bob Dylan is the final relay runner for Down Home Blues' with Kenichi Yamakawa (in red).
Other contributors such as Nobuyasu Okabayashi (famous folk musician), Michiro Endo (rock musician), Motoharu Sano (rock musician), Yoshihiro Kai (rock musician) and Jun Miura (drawings).
Thank you to Toshikazu Urushibata for the information.