us-uk flag DYLAN PRESS IN ENGLISH, S letter


Australia flag australia
Sydney Morning Herald

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Speak Up

Canada flag canada
StarPhoenix, SK

China flag china
South China Morning Post

Germany flag germany

Italy flag italy
Sound & Vision International
Speak Up

Spain flag spain
Speak Up

U.K. flag uk
Screen International
Scotsman (The)
Scottish Review Of Books
Seven Days
Sight & Sound
Sound On Sound
South Wales Argus
Story of Pop
Strange Things
Sun (The)
Sunday Sun
Sunday Telegraph (The)
Sunday Times (The)
U.S.A. flag usa
Sacramento Bee, CA
St. Cloud Times, MN
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Petersburg Times, FL
Salinas Californian, CA
Salt Lake Tribune (The), OH
San Angelo Standard-Times,TX
San Antonio Current, TX
San Antonio Express News, TX
San Antonio Light, TX
San Bernardino Sun (The), CA
San Diego Union Tribune, CA
San Francisco Chronicle, CA
San Francisco Examiner, CA
San Francisco Express Times, CA
San Jose Mercury News, CA
Santa Cruz Sentinel, CA
Santa Fe New Mexican, NM
Saturday Evening Post
Saturday Review
Scene (The), OH
Scholastic Scope
Scranton Times-Tribune (The), PA
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, WA
Seattle Sound, WA
Seed (The), IL
Sentinel (The), NC
Sentinel (The), PA
Sentinel-Tribune, OH
Shadow (The)
Shake Magazine
Sheboygan Press, WI
Sidney Daily News, OH
Sightlines, IA
Signal (The), CA
Silver City Sun-News, NM
Sing Out!
Sioux City Journal, IO
SoHo Weekly News, NYC
SongTalk, CA
Sound Waves
Sounds Fine
South Bend Tribune, IN
South Jersey Magazine, NJ
South Jersey Times, NJ
Southern Illinoisan, IL
Space City!, TX
Spectrum (The), UT
Spicy Adventure Stories
Spokesman Review, WA
Springfield News-Leader, MS
Springfield News-Sun, OH
Standard Speaker, PA
Standard Star (The), NY
Star Beacon, OH
Star Democrat (The), MD
Star Gazette (The), NY
Star Ledger (The), NJ
Star Press (The), IN
StarTribune, MN
State (The), SC
Statesman Journal, OR
Staunton Leader (The), VA
Stevens Point Journal, WI
Stuart News (The), FL
Sun Herald (The), MS
Sun Journal, ME
Sun News (The), SC
Sun Sentinel (The), FL
Sunday News, PA
Sweet Potato, ME
Syracuse Herald-Journal, NY
Syracuse New Times, NY

  English is the third most spoken native language in the world, after Standard Chinese and Spanish. It is the most widely learned second language and is either the official language or one of the official languages in almost 60 sovereign states. English is the most commonly spoken language in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand, and it is widely spoken in some areas of the Caribbean, Africa and South Asia. It is a co-official language of the United Nations, the European Union and many other world and regional international organisations. It is the most widely spoken Germanic language, accounting for at least 70% of speakers of this Indo-European branch.
  English is spoken or understood by over 1 500 000 000 people in the world.


All the World Languages in One Visualization: A World of Languages. flag UN


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