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BIJSTER, Netherlands

    BIJSTER was published by De Bezige at., 1969-1970, 6 issues known. Large size (approx. 32 x 20 cm).
    Colorful and experimental design. It carried texts by all the famous Dutch writers and poets of that moment: Among others Remco Campert (editor), Hugo Claus, Jan Cremer, Jules Deelder, Betty van Garrel, W.F. Hermans (permanent employee), Bert Schierbeek, C.B. Vaandrager, Hans Verhagen, Hans Vervoort, Simon Vinkenoog and Freddy de Vree.
    It also had translated texts by Jorge Luis Borges, Jerzy Kosinski and Vladimir Nabokov.
    The magazine was famous for its photographs and drawings, often in an erotic atmosphere (explicit), by Pim van Boxsel, Ed van der Elsken, Willem van Malsen, Frits Muller, Eddy Posthuma de Boer and Wolinski.

There was a Bob Dylan photo on the back cover of #2, January 1969. (Front cover below).

bijster jan 1969 back cover Bob Dylan front cover  

bijster jan 1969 back cover Bob Dylan front coverbijster jan 1969 back cover Bob Dylan front cover  




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