DAILY MIRROR, founded in 1903, is a British national daily tabloid-sized newspaper, that is also considered to be engaged in tabloid-style journalism.

Below: Note that 1 September 1969 issue had two different front covers about the Isle of Wight concert: one before Dylan arrived, the other when he left.

daily mirror 22 jan 69 Bob Dylan front cover
22 January 1968 (back cover)
daily mirror 1 sep 69 Bob Dylan front cover
1 September 1969 (1st)
daily mirror 1 sep 69 Bob Dylan front cover1 September 1969 (2nd)
daily mirror 15 Aug 1981 Bob Dylan front cover
16 June 1978

daily mirror 15 Aug 1981 Bob Dylan front cover
16 June 1978 (inside page)  

daily mirror 15 Aug 1981 Bob Dylan front cover
15 August 1981. Possible contact in 1980 between Bob Dylan and John Lennon's killer?
Actually it was NOT Mark Chapman: see here.

daily mirror 15 Aug 1981 Bob Dylan front cover
daily mirror 15 Aug 1981 Bob Dylan front cover



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