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EXTRA, France

    Mounthly music magazine, EXTRA started in December 1970. During a couple of years, it was a competitor of magazines like ROCK & FOLK and BEST. In November 1974, starting from issue #48, it was renamed to EXTRA ENCYCLOROCK, which last issue was #54, May 1975. Then the numeration started from #1 again and the magazine was renamed to 'EXTRA Nouvelle Série' for 6 issues; the title finally folded in 1976.

extra 1974 02 magazine Bob Dylan back front cover
       #39, February 1974, back cover, drawing by Jacques Mahuteau.  

extra 1974 08 magazine Bob Dylan front cover
#45, August 1974. 1/2 page only!
A 5 page article about the Montreal concert
was published in issue #40 (March 1974),
with The Who on the front cover.
extra magazine 09 1975 Bob Dylan front cover
#4 (new formula), September 1975



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