nobel anouncement


flag albania ALBANIA (1)
flag iraq In ARABIC (3) -3 countries
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flag china In CHINESE (12) -2 countries
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flag czech republic CZECH REPUBLIC (11)
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flag holland In DUTCH (75) -2 countries
us-uk flag In ENGLISH (878) -24 countries
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M  N  O  P  Q - R  S  T - U  V - Z  
flag finland FINLAND (16)
flag france In FRENCH (134) -5 countries
flag galicia In GALICIAN (1)
flag germany In GERMAN (141) -4 countries
flag greece GREECE (19)
flag hungary HUNGARY (2)
flag iceland ICELAND (9)
flag iceland IRAN (1)
flag israel ISRAEL (9)
flag italy In ITALIAN (88) -2 countries
flag japanese JAPAN (66)
flag lithuania LITHUANIA (1)
flag norway NORWAY (45)
flag poland POLAND (15)
flag portugal In PORTUGUESE (52) -3 countries
flag romania ROMANIA (1)
flag russia In RUSSIAN (5) -2 countries
flag serbia In SERBIAN (5) -2 countries
flag slovakia SLOVAKIA (1)
flag spain In SPANISH (192) -14 countries
flag sweden SWEDEN (28)
flag thailand THAILAND (3)
flag turkey TURKEY (19)



     THE GUARDIAN is a British daily newspaper. It was founded in 1821 as The Manchester Guardian, and changed its name in 1959. Along with its sister papers The Observer and The Guardian Weekly, The Guardian is part of the Guardian Media Group, owned by the Scott Trust. The trust was created in 1936 to "secure the financial and editorial independence of The Guardian in perpetuity and to safeguard the journalistic freedom and liberal values of The Guardian free from commercial or political interference".

Thank you to Christian Fiot and Eric Galzi for the images.

the guardian songbook
18 August 1986

the guardian songbook
11 October 1986

the guardian songbook
29 May 1987

the guardian songbook
23 March 1995

the guardian songbook
28 September 1996

the guardian songbook
30 December 1999

the guardian songbook
G2 supplement
30 December 1999
the guardian songbook
24 May 2001
the guardian songbook
26 September 2005
the guardian songbook
THE GUARDIAN SONGBOOK: BOB DYLAN, supplement, Saturday 17 May 2008 "Shows you how to play five classic songs by a true veteran of the music industry, the legendary singer-songwriter and political activist(!), Bob Dylan." 20 pages
bob dylan The Guardian songbook
GREAT LYRICISTS: BOB DYLAN supplement, May 2008. Includes Dylan lyrics and the text of two articles originally published in The Guardian newspaper in 1965. Introduction by Greil Marcus. Card covered booklet, 26 pages.
the guardian may 2021 magazine Bob Dylan
10 May 2008

the guardian may 2010 magazine Bob Dylan
5 April 2010

the guardian may 2011 magazine Bob Dylan
24 May 2011 (for 70th birthday)

the guardian 2015 magazine great lyricists Bob Dylan
24 July 2015, 1 page

the guardian may 2017 magazine Bob Dylan
31 March 2017

the guardian 2015 magazine great lyricists Bob Dylan
10 April 2020

the guardian culture 2021 magazine Bob Dylan
CULTURE, supplement
2 April 2021

the guardian may 2021 magazine Bob Dylan
22 May 2021 (for 80th birthday)

the guardian Bob Dylan
21 December 2022

the guardian Bob Dylan
23 November 2024

the guardian Bob Dylan
27 December 2024

the guardian Bob Dylan
G2, supplement
27 December 2024
the guardian Bob Dylan
18 January 2025

the guardian Bob Dylan
22 January 2025



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