LE DEVOIR, Canada (Quebec)
LE DEVOIR, ("The Duty") is a French-language newspaper published in Montreal and distributed in Quebec and throughout Canada. It was founded by journalist, politician, and nationalist Henri Bourassa in 1910.
LE DEVOIR is one of few independent large-circulation newspapers in Quebec (and one of the few in Canada) in a market dominated by the media conglomerate Quebecor.
Historically LE DEVOIR was considered Canada's francophone newspaper of record, although in the 21st century it has been challenged for that title by the increased status of competitor LA PRESSE.
Thank you to Christian Fiot and Eric Galzi for the images.
24 May 2001
CULTURE, supplement 27 April 2002
PERSPECTIVES, supplement 10 August 2002
12 December 2002
CULTURE, supplement 24 September 2005
CULTURE, supplement 2 September 2006
CULTURE, supplement 1 December 2007
11 December 2024 [1224]