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flag albania ALBANIA (1)
flag iraq In ARABIC (3) -3 countries
flag bulgaria BULGARIA (2)
flag catalunia In CATALAN (4) -2 countries
flag china In CHINESE (12) -2 countries
flag croatia CROATIA (4)
flag czech republic CZECH REPUBLIC (11)
flag denmark DENMARK (12)
flag holland In DUTCH (74) -2 countries
us-uk flag In ENGLISH (834) -19 countries
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M  N  O  P  Q - R  S  T - U  V - Z
flag finland FINLAND (15)
flag france In FRENCH (123) -5 countries
flag galicia In GALICIAN (1)
flag germany In GERMAN (136) -4 countries
flag greece GREECE (19)
flag hungary HUNGARY (2)
flag iceland ICELAND (9)
flag iceland IRAN (1)
flag israel ISRAEL (9)
flag italy In ITALIAN (86) -2 countries
flag japanese JAPAN (63)
flag lithuania LITHUANIA (1)
flag norway NORWAY (45)
flag poland POLAND (14)
flag portugal In PORTUGUESE (51) -3 countr.
flag romania ROMANIA (1)
flag russia in RUSSIAN (5) -2 countries
flag serbia In SERBIAN (5) -2 countries
flag slovakia SLOVAKIA (1)
flag spain In SPANISH (187) -13 countries
flag sweden SWEDEN (28)
flag thailand THAILAND (3)
flag turkey TURKEY (19)



     NEWSWEEK is an American weekly news magazine founded in 1933. Newsweek was a widely distributed newsweekly through the 20th century, with many notable editors-in-chief throughout the years. NEWSWEEK was acquired by The Washington Post Company in 1961, under whose ownership it remained until 2010.
     Between 2008 and 2012, NEWSWEEK experienced financial difficulties, leading to the cessation of print publication and a transition to all-digital format at the end of 2012. The print edition then relaunched in March 2014 under different ownership.

newsweek 1974 magazine Bob Dylan front cover
14 January 1974, 4 pages
newsweek 1997 magazine Bob Dylan front cover
6 October 1997, 9 pages
newsweek 2004 magazine Bob Dylan front cover
October 2004



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