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    This Magazine for English learners comes with an audio CD. Initially published in Italy by Instituto Geografico De Agostini, there are several editions in other countries: Brazil, France, Mexico, Spain ..., all with the same English text.
    SPEAK UP is now a digital magazine.

   1986, Volume 2: "from Bob Dylan to Punk Rock". The two other volumes in the Rock Story series are Volume 1: "from Elvis Presley to The Beatles", and Volume 3: "from the Sex Pistols to Bruce Springsteen". Text Riccardo Bertoncelli, translation Sharon Krengel.

speak up italy magazine Bob Dylan front cover
Italy, 1986
Instituto Geografico De Agostini

speak up brazil #2 magazine Bob Dylan front cover
Spain, 1986
Ediciones Forum

speak up Italy #55 magazine Bob Dylan front cover
Italy, June 1991, De Agostini Rizzoli Periodici
speak up Brazil #55 magazine Bob Dylan front cover
Brazil, October 1991, #55, Editora Globo,


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