STICK, Netherlands
STICK was a privately produced underground magazine in Dutch language, A4 size, 44 pages held together with three staples. Limited Edition of only 200 copies.
The first issue of Stick contained only political stories, while issue 2 featured only pop music. It was written for a young audience, especially those involved with the underground movement. The third issue of Stick was a special featuring only Dylan. Written completely by Rein van der Pot, the magazine tells the Dylan story up to and including 'Nashville Skyline'.
Sold in Amsterdam and only available in Atheneum Bookshop and The Real Free Press, this Limited Edition sold out completely in just three days. Information:
Below: #3 1969. Thank you to Tom Willems for the information that some issues had the alternate cover #2, due to a printing problem on cover #1. The drawing on cover #2 was the one used by Rein van der Pot for his 1969 Provadya. Visit Tom Willems' blog where a link allows to read the whole issue (in Dutch).
cover #1
cover #2