THE PATRIOT-NEWS, USA (Pennsylvania)

     THE PATRIOT-NEWS is the largest newspaper serving the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, metropolitan area. In 2005, the newspaper was ranked in the top 100 in daily and Sunday circulation in the United States. It has been owned by Advance Publications since 1947. It is published Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Thank you to Eric Galzi for this item.

The Patriot-News Bob Dylan front cover
ART/LEISURE supplement,
9 July 1989
The Patriot-News Bob Dylan front cover
ART/LEISURE supplement,
14 August 1994
The Patriot-News Bob Dylan front cover
6 November 2004

The Patriot-News Bob Dylan front cover
GO, supplement
21 June 2007

The Patriot-News Bob Dylan front cover
MOVIES, supplement
14 December 2007

The Patriot-News Bob Dylan front cover
SUNDAY LIVING, supplement
16 October 2016


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