プレイマップ, Japan
新宿プレイマップ (Shinjuku Play Map) was a town magazine published in Shinjuku, the glittering hub of the 1960s counterculture, for two years and ten months from June 1969 to April 1972. However, in fact, it was an avant-garde counterculture magazine that deliberately deviated from the framework of a town magazine. This attitude was the reason why it was enthusiastically supported by young people who were aspiring to the counterculture at the time, and was also the reason why it was banished from Shinjuku.
The four issues published from January to April 1972 were suspended, and the title "Shinjuku" was dropped, and the issue was published as プレイマップ (Play Map).
Below: January 1972. Thank you to Eric Galzi for this item. [0225]