nobel anouncement


flag albania ALBANIA (1)
flag iraq In ARABIC (3) -3 countries
flag bulgaria BULGARIA (2)
flag catalunia In CATALAN (5)
flag china In CHINESE (12) -2 countries
flag croatia CROATIA (4)
flag czech republic CZECH REPUBLIC (11)
flag denmark DENMARK (12)
flag holland In DUTCH (74) -2 countries
us-uk flag In ENGLISH (863) -19 countries
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flag finland FINLAND (16)
flag france In FRENCH (133) -5 countries
flag galicia In GALICIAN (1)
flag germany In GERMAN (140) -4 countries
flag greece GREECE (19)
flag hungary HUNGARY (2)
flag iceland ICELAND (9)
flag iceland IRAN (1)
flag israel ISRAEL (9)
flag italy In ITALIAN (88) -2 countries
flag japanese JAPAN (65)
flag lithuania LITHUANIA (1)
flag norway NORWAY (45)
flag poland POLAND (15)
flag portugal In PORTUGUESE (52) -3 countries
flag romania ROMANIA (1)
flag russia In RUSSIAN (5) -2 countries
flag serbia In SERBIAN (5) -2 countries
flag slovakia SLOVAKIA (1)
flag spain In SPANISH (192) -14 countries
flag sweden SWEDEN (28)
flag thailand THAILAND (3)
flag turkey TURKEY (19)


EXPRESS and てんとう虫 , Japan

   UC Card and Season Card are credit/debit cards that can be used to make payments. The magazines below are reserved to these cardholders:
   Both published by Credieson, UC Card membership magazine てんとう虫 (Ladybug) and Season Card membership magazine EXPRESS "are quality magazines that propose a rich connection between humans and humans, humans and things, and the times."

   "In the May 2021 issue, Bob Dylan appeared on the cover for his 80th birthday, of a 26-page color special. The writing team of Yoshio Kataoka, Masato Tomobe, Tomoyuki Iino, and Koji Wakui reflected on the life of Bob Dylan, who is turning 80 on May 24, and on the trajectory of his musical activities."

   Thank you to Eric Galzi for the images and link to information.

uc card magazine Bob Dylan front cover
てんとう虫 (Ladybug)
UC Card magazine
uc card magazine Bob Dylan front cover
Season Card magazine



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