bob dylan tarot VARIOUS

2019 Planner
3XY Radio Music Charts
80th Birth Anniversary Cards
Artist Job Sheets 1965 and 1966
Autopen signature
Barbie Doll's Dylan Records
Beatty Zimmerman's cake recipe
Beer Mats and Coasters
Behind The Picture Frame (Genesis)
Bob Dylan Fan Certificate
Bob Dylan Television Special project
Bob Dylan's New York Revisited
Book cover
Box Of Vision
       1979 Netherlands
       1986 Portugal
       1994 Q Rock'n Roll, UK
       1995 UK
       2004 USA
       2009, 10, 11 'Remembered'
       2009-2010 HMV, UK
       2012 UK
       2013   2014-2015   2017   2018
       2019   2020   2021   2022   2023
       2024   2025
Cassettes Inlays
Certificates of Insurance
Cigar Bands
Codicil to Bob Dylan's Will
Coloring Books
Customs Declaration
Dutch concerts 1993, 1995, 1996
Dylan... but not Bob
Heaven's Door Whiskey booklet
Hurricane signed words
Jigsaw Puzzles
Jukebox Strips
Landing Cards
Letraset Catalogue
Lyric Quote Print
Maarten Giltay Veth artworks
        Duluth Directory 1944
        Hibbing Directories 1950's
        Hibbing High School Yearbooks         Tangled Up In Ore 2008
No Direction Home artwork proofs
Non-existing Items:
        Catherine Jackson's Designs
        Discográfica mock up covers
        Imaginary front covers
        Japanese magazines parodies
        Photography of Don Hunstein
Paris 1966 press conference
        Sony/BMG German promos
Reuters Profile
Rolling Stone 1969 reprint
Rotterdam 1978 Introduction
SNAP Galleries Letterpress
        Official and Illegal
Store displays
Street Legal legal file of lyrics
Tony Glover interview transcripts
Tour Itineraries
Tour Rider US-Canada 2013
Twelve Tribes booklets
UK 1965 Photo Sleeve
Unauthorized Documentaries (The)
Wanted Man, UK
Wieslaw Tarlowski's creations
Wikipedia "books"



      The interview of Bob Dylan by his old friend Tony Glover was conducted in three sessions (18, 22 and March 1971); it spans four cassette tapes and has a combined duration of about 3.5 hours.
     "The interview took place in Dylan lower Greenwich Village office/rehearsals studio; an airy spacious building filled with amplifiers, instruments and several of Dylans paintings"(Tony Glover's notes, see below).
     Though carefully transcripted by Tony Glover and corrected twice by Bob Dylan, it was never published.
     The items below were part of the RR 'Marvels of Modern Music' Auction, November 12-19, 2020; the final bids are noted for each lot.

the 1971 Tony Glover interview tapes
Original cassette tapes recordings of the interview. RR Auction lot #5031, final bid $4096.

     All the documents presented here come from Tony Glover's collection; they can be enlarged by a click to become perfectly readable.

1971 Tony Glover notes about the interview
Tony Glover's notes about the interview. RR Auction lot #5037. Final bid $4957.

     Bob Dylan Hand-Annotated 1971 Interview Transcript (Tape #2, First Correction).
     Typed transcript of Bob Dylan's interview with Tony Glover on March 22, 1971, 37 pages, 8.5 x 11, extensively annotated in blue felt tip by Dylan: on 36 pages, Dylan strikes through passages and pens new thoughts as he revises his own story. The upper right corner is annotated in felt tip by Tony Glover, "BD, D - Corrected, 1st Correction." RR Auction lot #5032, final bid $7526.

1971 Tony Glover interview 1st correction 1 tape #2, 1st correction page 1. 1971 Tony Glover interview 1st correction 2 tape #2, 1st correction page 2 1971 Tony Glover interview 1st correction 3 tape #2, 1st correction page 3
1971 Tony Glover interview 1st correction 12 tape #2, 1st correction page 12 1971 Tony Glover interview 1st correction 14 tape #2, 1st correction page 14 1971 Tony Glover interview 1st correction 15 tape #2, 1st correction page 15
1971 Tony Glover interview 1st correction 21 tape #2, 1st correction page 21 1971 Tony Glover interview 1st correction 24 tape #2, 1st correction page 24

     Bob Dylan Hand-Annotated 1971 Interview Transcript (Tape #2, Second Correction).
     Typed/photocopied transcript of part of Bob Dylan's interview with Tony Glover in March 1971, 36 pages, 8.5 x 11, annotated in black felt tip by Dylan: on many pages, Dylan strikes through passages and pens new thoughts as he revises his own story. Headed "Tape # 2 Transcript, (tape #1 inter-edited)," the upper right corner is annotated in black felt tip by Tony Glover, "BD, Second Correction." RR Auction lot #5033, final bid $5453.

1971 Tony Glover interview 2nd correction 1 tape #2, 2nd correction page 1 1971 Tony Glover interview 2nd correction 1 tape #2, 2nd correction page 11 1971 Tony Glover interview 2nd correction 21 tape #2, 2nd correction page 21
1971 Tony Glover interview 2nd correction 25 tape #2, 2nd correction page 25 1971 Tony Glover interview 2nd correction 28 tape #2, 2nd correction page 28

     Bob Dylan Hand-Annotated 1971 Interview Transcript (Day #3, First Correction).
     Typed transcript of Bob Dylan's interview with Tony Glover on March 24, 1971, thirteen pages, 8.5 x 11, extensively annotated in blue felt tip by Dylan: on every page, Dylan strikes through passages and pens new thoughts as he revises his own story. The upper right corner is annotated in black felt tip by Tony Glover, "BD, Dylan Corrected, 1st Correction." RR Auction lot #5034, final bid $5453

1971 Tony Glover 24 03 1971 interview 1st correction 1 24 March 1971, 1st correction page 1 1971 Tony Glover 24 03 1971 interview 1st correction 3 24 March 1971, 1st correction page 3 1971 Tony Glover 24 03 1971 interview 1st correction 4 24 March 1971, 1st correction page 4
1971 Tony Glover 24 03 1971 interview 1st correction 7 24 March 1971, 1st correction page 7

     Bob Dylan Hand-Annotated 1971 Interview Transcript (All Tapes, First Correction).
     Typed/photocopied transcript of Bob Dylan's 1971 interview with Tony Glover, 47 pages, 8.5 x 11, annotated throughout in black felt tip by Dylan. Headed "All Tapes Transcribed—Interedited," the transcript incorporates changes made by Dylan in previous edits, and boasts original handwritten revisions intermixed with photocopied annotations from previous iterations. The upper right corner is annotated in black felt tip by Tony Glover: "BD, 1st Correction, Dylan Corrected." Primarily using black felt tip, Dylan makes original corrections to about 21 pages—sometimes changing a single word, other times prolifically deleting and rewriting questions and responses. Glover also makes a few corrections to the text. RR Auction lot #5035. Final bid $20719

1971 Tony Glover interview all tapes 1st correction 1 All tapes, 1st correction page 1 1971 Tony Glover interview all tapes 1st correction 3 All tapes, 1st correction page 3 1971 Tony Glover interview all tapes 1st correction 4 All tapes, 1st correction page 4
1971 Tony Glover interview all tapes 1st correction 27 All tapes, 1st correction page 27 1971 Tony Glover interview all tapes 1st correction 29 All tapes, 1st correction page 29 1971 Tony Glover interview all tapes 1st correction 38 All tapes, 1st correction page 38
1971 Tony Glover interview all tapes 1st correction 46 All tapes, 1st correction page 46.

     Bob Dylan Signed and Annotated 1971 Interview Notes and Transcript (Esquire Copy).
     The Esquire copy of Tony Glover's completed 1971 interview with Bob Dylan, comprising a two-page "Notes on the Interview" document setting the scene plus a final draft of the 46-page interview. The first page is signed at the top in blue ballpoint by Dylan, "Bob Dylan," as approved for publication; it is also marked "E" in the corner, identifying it as the Esquire copy. In the introductory notes, Glover outlines the "sometimes surrealistic" process of arranging and conducting the interview, held over the course of three days in Dylan's Greenwich Village studio/office in March 1971. He makes note of Dylan's interview style—"He preferred to discuss the things he knows best—music and his life in it—usually parrying questions of current 'social' topics with a gentle sarcasm"—and concludes that the "main impression he gave was that of a man refusing to be categorized." Summarizing the interview, Glover observes that "on some matters Dylan remains invisible, in others he reveals a good deal more than he has ever before." RR Auction lot #5036. Final bid: $8791.

1971 Tony Glover interview esquire copy 1 Esquire copy page 1. 1971 Tony Glover interview esquire copy 8 Esquire copy page 8 1971 Tony Glover interview esquire copy 9 Esquire copy page 9
1971 Tony Glover interview esquire copy 27 Esquire copy page 27 1971 Tony Glover interview esquire copy 44 Esquire copy page 44 1971 Tony Glover interview esquire copy 45 Esquire copy page 45
1971 Tony Glover interview esquire copy 46 Esquire copy page 46


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