Bob Dylan's face is on many phoney US Dollars, as you can see below. May be one day it will be on real ones?
The first three items are real US banknotes with a photo of Bob Dylan pasted on them; the others are fantasy items. They all can be found on the Internet.



Dylan currency !

rare $2 banknote #1

rare $2 banknote #2

Bob Dylan Rocks

Dylan on a $10 banknote, by Jeremy Hara

20£, 'Bank Of Dylan', signed.
Though sold with a certicate of authenticity,
the signature looks more than suspect.

1988: "MillIon Dollar Bash" (Bob Dylan convention) flyer

Special Dylan 3€ banknote for the Azkena Rock Festival, Spain,
where Bob Dylan performed on 26 June 2010.

The Dylan connection is the title of this artwork: "Money Does Not Talk, It Swears",
line from It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding). Source:

Signed banknote, found on eBay by Jürgen Wasser