This is first attempt for a complete catalogue of the Bob Dylan Vinyl-Bootlegs after the glut of releases in the 1980s. Unfortunately, it was never published. More than 700 pages with detailed information on every Bob Dylan vinyl bootleg available at the date of the project, with a lot of photos of the front and back covers, labels - in black and white only.
      Many thanks to Ray Stavrou for the scan and information.
     "The most complete record of bootleg history which was never published is (was) NOBODY HAS ANY RESPECT by Jean Louis Dreau and Mr. Smith. In ISIS number 44 (Aug - Sept 1992) 'Mr. Smith' [a.k.a. Steve White] writes that '... when the book says it’s ready, then it’s ready...' Unfortunately, although the book was ready i.e. almost in place, it was not actually published. A few black and white proof copies do exist but the limitations of the software available at the time have been part of the reason why this magnificent document has not been generally available". (Ray Stavrou in A VINYL HEADSTONE ALMOST IN PLACE)

- THE GUIDE TO BOB DYLAN BOOTLEGS, by Jean-Louis Dréau and Mr Smith, 700 pages, ring-binder, Hypnotist Collectors 1992. 'Nobody has any respect' is also the title of the Hypnotist Collectors Catalogue #6 (November 1996), edited by Jean-Louis Dréau and devoted to bootleg records.

Nobody has any respect
Draft with photos

Nobody has any respect no picture
first edition, no scans.
A CD-Rom with the complete book
as pdf-scan is included. Unfortunately,
there was no 2nd edition with the scans...

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